by Zona Technology

ZONA NASTRAN Data Loader (ZNDAL) is a Tecplot add-on developed by ZONA Technology, Inc. that allows for viewing of NASTRAN finite element models and basic output analysis results.

You can now directly import your NASTRAN finite-element models and output analysis results into Tecplot with the new ZONA NASTRAN Data Loader.

The ZONA NASTRAN Data Loader (ZNDAL) is a Tecplot add-on developed by ZONA TEchnology, Inc. ZONA has extensive experience in the area of aeroelasticity, aeroservoelasticity, unsteady aerodynamics and structural dynamics. Since 1986, ZONA has been serving the aerospace structural dynamics community through contractual work and software support.

Predator B NASTRAN structural model Courtesy of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems.

NASTRAN, the NASA Structural Analysis System, is a general purpose finite-element analysis (FEA) program for use in computer-aided engineering. NASTRAN is a standard in the structural analysis field, providing engineers with a wide range of modeling and analysis capabilities. NASTRAN applications include almost every kind of structure and construction.

ZNDAL offers NASTRAN users many benefits:

  1. Quick NASTRAN Input and Results Loading ? quickly display models with large degrees of freedom.
  2. Intuitive Interface that is Easy to Learn ? learn to use the loader in only minutes.
  3. High Quality Images ? output or Copy/Paste publication quality images into other Windows applications.
  4. Excellent Presentations and Reports Involving FEA ? utilize Tecplot?s powerful visualization and output features for communicating results.

Structural model of the tai lcone assembly for the MK83 bomb (60,194 elements) Image courtesy of Leigh Aerosystems Corporation

As an input bulk data translator, ZNDAL can be used to view models to ensure modeling accuracy before submitting a NASTRAN job. When viewing basic output analysis results, use ZNDAL to visualize structural displacements due to loads (static analysis), structural free vibration solutions (dynamic analyses), and stress contours plots (stress analyses).

ZNDAL features include:
  • Different elements are loaded into separate zones in unique colors for easy identification.
  • Utilizes a general bulk data template definition file that can easily be altered to process virtually any FEA bulk data input.
  • Reads free formatted input.
  • Accepts INCLUDE statements for insertion of external files.
  • Allows for the display of external grid identification numbers.
  • Accounts for GRID point coordinate transformations including those specified via the GRDSET bulk data card.
  • Displays both undeformed and deformed models from a static analysis.
  • Allows for animation of free vibration solutions from a dynamic analysis.
  • Displays stress contours from grid point stress output.
  • Allows scaling of static or dynamic analysis deformations.
  • Automatically accounts for the displacement coordinate system transformations.

© 2004, Aertia, S.L.